• HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

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#1 HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 4 czerwca 2020, 18:32
Good afternoon friends of the forum. This laptop enters me with the following defect. Pressing power on, the LED lights up, the fan turns on but does not go on the screen. Also tested with external screen but nothing. I only notice that the caps lock flashes 5 times. Tried to change ram, reprogram bios. I found no corrosion, Checking the voltages in the coils are all present. Thanks

Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 4 czerwca 2020, 18:32

#2 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 4 czerwca 2020, 20:31

Measure the power consumption (in mA) of the board before and after pressing to the power button without battery connected.

#3 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 5 czerwca 2020, 16:13
many thanks matic.
So without turning on, I measure 10mA
when I do power on I measure 0.74A

#4 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 5 czerwca 2020, 16:44
Try to turn on the machine without RAM memory connected. Are there any changes in operation of the machine in this case?

Also measure the power consumption of the board, when the machine is turned on without RAM memory connected.

#5 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 5 czerwca 2020, 17:04
Try to turn on the machine without RAM memory connected. Are there any changes in operation of the machine in this case?

No same synthom, caps lock blink
Also measure the power consumption of the board, when the machine is turned on without RAM memory connected.


#6 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 5 czerwca 2020, 17:07
Make sure, if you tested the board with a low voltage DDR3L RAM.

Do you have a DDR3 RAM slot LED tester? If so, test both RAM slots.

#7 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 5 czerwca 2020, 17:14
Make sure, if you tested the board with a low voltage DDR3L RAM.

yes, tried other ddr3L but nothing
Do you have a DDR3 RAM slot LED tester? If so, test both RAM slots.

yes, only the reset led lights up strongly, the other leds are poorly lit, tested in both slot

#8 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 5 czerwca 2020, 17:21
Try to reflow the PCH chip. If it does not change anything, replace the PCH.

#9 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 5 czerwca 2020, 17:50
reflowed pch but nothing. Contacted customer for replace pch . Very thank's matic for your help.

if the customer accepts the quote, replace the pch and I'll let you know if it worked

#10 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 7 lipca 2020, 12:29
Hi Matic, I recently soldered the new pch. Unfortunately it remains with the same defect, fan that starts at the latest after a few seconds, black screen and flashing of the caps lock, flashes 5 times and then 3 fast flashes

#11 Re: 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 7 lipca 2020, 22:25
robgerr napisał(a):the caps lock, flashes 5 times and then 3 fast flashes
This error code means "The embedded controller times out waiting for the BIOS".
Measure the voltages to ground on all pins of BIOS chip, when the machine is turned on.

#12 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 8 lipca 2020, 10:23
Thank's Matic
Pin 1 3,34v
Pin 2 3,34v
pin 3 3,34v
pin 4 gnd
pin 5 0v
pin 6 0v
pin 7 3,34v
pin 8 3,34v

#13 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 8 lipca 2020, 18:37
Have you reflashed the BIOS chip with the dump with the same BID number?

#14 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 8 lipca 2020, 20:33
Matic i was thinking, could it be a rom problem inside the kbc? I ordered the svod so in case the kbc is reprogrammed

#15 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 9 lipca 2020, 18:48
robgerr napisał(a):could it be a rom problem inside the kbc?
Yes, possible. If reflashing the KBC chip does not change anything, replace the KBC chip.

#16 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 25 sierpnia 2020, 10:49
Hi Matic, I'll update you on this laptop. I got the svod, I reprogram the kbc through the dump downloaded on this site, the same defect remains, caps lock flashing. I buy a new kbc, soldered it, wait 5 minutes witch ac adapter connected and give the power on, the machine starts but gives the same defect, caps lock flashing and no video in the screen. I reprogram the kbc always through the dump download from this site but same problem. What could I check now? Thank you

#17 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 25 sierpnia 2020, 21:20
Measure the following resistances:
a) Between pin 1 of BIOS chip and pin 101 of KBC chip.
b) Between pin 2 of BIOS chip and pin 103 of KBC chip.
c) Between pin 5 of BIOS chip and pin 102 of KBC chip.
d) Between pin 6 of BIOS chip and pin 105 of KBC chip.

#18 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 26 sierpnia 2020, 09:49
Between pin 1 of BIOS chip and pin 101 of KBC chip.

Between pin 2 of BIOS chip and pin 103 of KBC chip

Between pin 5 of BIOS chip and pin 102 of KBC chip

Between pin 6 of BIOS chip and pin 105 of KBC chip


#19 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez matic 26 sierpnia 2020, 20:02
Check the highlighted 4 resistors (pictures below).
All four must have a value of 15Ω.



#20 Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez robgerr 27 sierpnia 2020, 10:18
Check the highlighted 4 resistors (pictures below).
All four must have a value of 15Ω.

all four resistor is ok ( 15 ohm)

Re: HP Pavilion 15-AK112NL Power On but no Video (MAIN DAX1PDMB8E0)

przez Google Adsense [BOT] 27 sierpnia 2020, 10:18
To jest wątek ARCHIWALNY. Możesz odpowiedzieć w nim tylko wtedy, gdy Twój post zawiera rozwiązanie problemu (Regulamin forum p. 12.1).

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