• Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

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#1 Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 8 luglio 2024, 17:04
Wszedłem w posiadanie płyty głównej AORUS B450 Elite Rev 1.0. Problem w tym, że przy próbie uruchomienia komputera nie ma obrazu. Płytę uruchamiam z procesorem athlon 3000g. Po uruchomieniu płyty włącza się dioda LED, która wskazuje na błąd CPU. Dodatkowym dziwnym objawem jest to, że odrazu po włączeniu zasilacza uruchamia się całe podświetlenie na karcie, co raczej nie powinno występować do momentu włączenia komputera.
Co mogę sprawdzić w celu zdiagnozowania usterki?
Boardview płyty dostępne na forum: schemat-gigabyte-b450-aorus-elite-t72820.html

Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Google Adsense [BOT] 8 luglio 2024, 17:04

#2 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da matic 9 luglio 2024, 08:53
Komornik ha scritto:Płytę uruchamiam z procesorem athlon 3000g
Please, specify the CPU markings (YD3000xxxxxxx).

#3 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 9 luglio 2024, 15:41
My processor is: YD3000C6M20FH
While measuring the board, I noticed that there was no VCC voltage of the NPU1 driver. From what I understand, it should also be on pin 1 of the SQD2 element, but it is not there. SQD2 diode:
1 - 0V
2 - 3.4V
3 - 0.2V
Does this mean it is damaged?


#4 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da matic 9 luglio 2024, 21:49
Komornik ha scritto:My processor is: YD3000C6M20FH
With this type of CPU, the board BIOS version must be F40 or later. It might make sense to reflash the BIOS chip with the appropriate version just in case. The current BIOS may not support this CPU.

Komornik ha scritto:I noticed that there was no VCC voltage of the NPU1 driver.
The VCC voltage of chip NPU1 is actually pin 7 (not pin 1). Pin 1 is the so-called "PowerGood" output indication signal.

#5 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 10 luglio 2024, 16:39
Updating the bios makes sense, I will do it as soon as the ordered programmer arrives. Unfortunately, there is one more thing that worries me - I have never encountered a situation where the entire RGB backlight of the board lights up when the power supply is turned on. It seems to me that the backlight should only appear after turning on the computer. Could it be related to the bios?

#6 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 17 luglio 2024, 20:21
Today I updated the bios, it didn't help. I still wonder why there is no voltage on the NPL2 coil.

#7 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da matic 18 luglio 2024, 13:17
Measure the voltages to ground on all coils, when the board is turned on.

#8 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 18 luglio 2024, 21:14
ML2 - 1,2V
MA_L3 - 2,5V
MB_L3 - 1,8V
NPL2 - 0,002V

#9 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da matic 22 luglio 2024, 12:49
- Measure the resistance to ground on coil NPL2.
- Measure the voltages to ground on pins 3, 7, 10 of chip NPU1.

#10 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 1 agosto 2024, 15:19
Resistance on NPL2 - 78 ohm

3 - 1V
7 - 4,6V
10 - 5V

#11 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da matic 2 agosto 2024, 09:43
Check the resistor MB_DR24 (100kΩ). If it's fine, measure the voltages to ground on both pins of this resistor.

#12 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Komornik 2 agosto 2024, 17:52
The resistor seems fine. Today, unexpectedly, the album came to life. Perhaps after the last BIOS update. However, I have a new problem, the board worked properly on RAM slots 1,2,4. On 3, the computer did not start. During tests on slot 4, the computer turned off and now the board does not boot with the RAM in different slots. Only the DRAM-CPU-DRAM-VGA LEDs are blinking. Is it possible that the RAM has been damaged?

Now the board works, I don't know what caused it. The flashing of the CPU-DRAM LEDs stopped after I moved the 8 pin plug of the processor. Then only one LED was displayed - the CPU, which is what this thread is about. I don't know why, but I dug carefully around the resistor you told me to measure, which caused the board to start. Maybe it's a coincidence? The first time I was able to move the resistor surface with a multimeter, then the board also worked. I'm just wondering, if of course it's not a coincidence, what damage could be around this resistor that disturbing its surface fixes the problem?

#13 Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Vogelek23 4 agosto 2024, 11:00
Wynień ten rezystor na nowy - prawdopodobnie jest on uszkodzony mechanicznie.

Re: Płyta główna AORUS B450 ELITE, brak obrazu błąd CPU

da Google Adsense [BOT] 4 agosto 2024, 11:00

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