• Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

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#1 Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da ppgg1 2 febbraio 2024, 12:43
Pacjent jak w tytule bez oznak życia ( BA41-02748A - nadruk na laminacie, BA92-20198B - nadruk na naklejce), usterka powstała samoczynnie (ładowanie przez USB-C).

Namierzyłem mocno grzejący się układ 3483UK (czekam na przesyłkę), rezystancje na cewkach powyżej kOHM. Nie posiadam schematu, zastanawiam się czy to kwestia samego układu czy czegoś więcej.



Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 2 febbraio 2024, 12:43

#2 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da matic 2 febbraio 2024, 16:27

Measure the resistances to ground on points A, B, C.

#3 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da ppgg1 2 febbraio 2024, 22:19
Hello, thanks for your interest in the problem. Below are the measurements without the 3483UK, controller was disassembled:
B) 165 kOHM
C) 2.1 OHM
Is the capacitor at point "C" short-circuited?

#4 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da matic 2 febbraio 2024, 22:41
Yes, exactly. There is a short circuit to ground on the capacitor "C".
Perform a short circuit test described here (lesson #3). Start with a voltage limit 1V. If you reached 1V and nothing heats up, rise up the voltage limit to 2V.

#5 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da ppgg1 5 febbraio 2024, 00:01
rezystancje na cewkach powyżej kOHM

Measurement error, two coils have low resistance, sorry (according to the photo below).

I did a 2V/1.4A short-circuit test, I did not find a hot capacitor, the RT5077A and the CPU heat up to a temperature of about 40C.


#6 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da matic 9 febbraio 2024, 18:56
ppgg1 ha scritto:I did a 2V/1.4A short-circuit test
Did you performed this test on the point "C"?
If so, measure the resistances on all coils in reference to the point "C".
matic ha scritto:[ Obrazek ]

#7 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da ppgg1 11 febbraio 2024, 16:50
Point C = Point 1
I made two short-circuit tests, one at point C/ground, the other at point 1/ground. As I wrote above, in both cases the RT5077A and the CPU heat up to a maximum temperature of about 40C after a long time.
Point: C/3 15 kOHM
Point: C/1 0.3 OHM
Point: C/2 110 OHM
Point: C/5 0.88 kOHM
Point: C/4 54 kOHM

I received information that before the fault occurred, there were often problems with charging the battery or detecting the charger.


#8 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.  [RISOLTO]

da matic 11 febbraio 2024, 19:22
The chip RT5077A is damaged almost for sure. Remove it from the board and remeasure the resistance to ground on coil #1.

#9 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da ppgg1 11 febbraio 2024, 21:21
After removing the RT5077A chip, the resistance on coil number 1 is 180 kOHM.
The chips have been ordered and will be delivered in about 3 weeks.

#10 Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da ppgg1 17 marzo 2024, 16:10
After replacing the chips, the laptop still won't boot. I decided not to continue repairing the laptop, thank you for your help.

Re: Samsung chromebook XE350XBA na płycie BA41-02748A / BA92-20198B, grzeje się 3483UK.

da Google Adsense [BOT] 17 marzo 2024, 16:10

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